Announcing Teo Live

Touring Exhibitions Trends and Marketplace

By Teo
4 years ago
, Brocéliande
Teo announces Teo Live, a new online Teo event designed to support the international touring exhibitions community - to discover exhibitions, hear about trends and meet with colleagues.

Teo announces Teo Live, a new online Teo event designed to support the international touring exhibitions community – to discover exhibitions, hear about trends and meet with colleagues.

The event will be held on 25 March 2021, starting at 3PM Paris time for about 2 hours.
(7AM PT. 8AM CST. 10AM EDT. 10PM Beijing. 11PM Seoul. 1AM Sydney)

Teo Live is open to all professionals involved in the hosting and touring of cultural exhibitions, from museums, galleries, science centres, exhibition venues, libraries, archives and gardens. The event features:

  • A keynote session about the Future of Touring Exhibitions, presenting the findings of the Teo and Culture Connect Ltd Cultural Dialogue Survey, with Anaïs Aguerre from Culture Connect Ltd.
  • A lively marketplace of touring exhibitions, with 20+ exhibitions presentations followed by meet up opportunities with producers in dedicated rooms.
How to participate

Registration is free and now open to attend the event.
The call for presenters is open till the 26 February 2021 for the 20+ 2min available slots.
Travelling exhibitions producers on Teo can present one exhibition and introduce their portfolio.
Cultural institutions who are looking for travelling exhibitions have the opportunity to share a call for exhibits.
The Teo team can be contacted here for speaker registration.

Event partners

We thank our event partners for their kind support in communicating this event:

About the authors & contributors

Teo is the global resource for the international touring exhibitions community. Created for hosts, producers and suppliers of international touring exhibitions, Teo is a global living resource for sharing best practices and fostering new international collaborations in the world of travelling exhibits.

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