Call for participants in AAM TEN survey

Interest and need for incoming travelling exhibitions

By AAM Traveling Exhibitions Network (TEN)
4 years ago
AAM TEN designed a survey for institutions who have hosted travelling exhibitions in the last three years or have an intent to host a travelling exhibition in the coming three years.

In an effort to help support cultural organisations during this challenging time and to support a successful future for museums, the American Alliance of Museums Traveling Exhibitions Network (TEN) has created a survey for host venues that assesses interest and need for incoming travelling exhibitions in an effort to evaluate the current state of the industry and assist with planning into the future.

The survey is designed for institutions who have hosted travelling exhibitions in the last three years or have an intent to host a travelling exhibition in the coming three years.

Deadline for the survey: Tuesday, October 27.

Individual organisation’s answers will be kept anonymised, while high level data and analysis thereof will be shared with the travelling exhibits museum community. TEN will report on trends and patterns that come to light from this survey, so that both producers and host venues of travelling exhibitions can best assess the current state of the industry and plan for what can best support the future of museums.

If you have questions about this survey, please contact Debbie Donohue ( and Sarah Meyers (

About the authors & contributors

The Traveling Exhibitions Network (TEN) is a non-exclusive network of those who are responsible for or are interested in, traveling exhibitions. TEN promotes excellence by providing networking opportunities where members can connect to share expertise and information.

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