Teo Announces Travelling Exhibitions Pavilion in 2022

Touring in the spotlight at the next Museum Connections event in Paris

By Teo
3 years ago
, Paris
Teo will present a Touring Exhibitions Pavilion with partner producers and specialists on 30 and 31 March 2022 in Paris, in collaboration with the international museum event.

Post modified on 4 January 2022: the event has been postponed from 19-20 January 2022 to 30-31 March 2022, due to the new anti-contamination measures taken by France, and in order to ensure a successful event.

Teo will present a Touring Exhibitions Pavilion with partner producers and specialists on 30 and 31 March 2022 in Paris, in collaboration with the international museum event.

A Pavilion dedicated to international touring exhibitions, hosted by Teo, will be presented at the heart of the international museum fair event, Museum Connections, in Paris on 30 and 31 March 2022.

The Pavilion will bring travelling exhibitions to the spotlight with the presentation of a selection of exhibitions available for collaborations and hosting, created by international producers.

Producers will be presenting their portfolio of travelling productions on the pavilion, with the participation of institutions as well as international private producers and specialist partners who will have dedicated stands.

The international trade fair event is dedicated to supporting museums, cultural venues and touristic sites in revenue generation and in the development of sustainable models. Highlighting trends and innovations to imagine new visitor experiences, it will gather for 2 days more than 4000 professionals from France and international locations, from museums, cultural venues, tourism boards, and historical monuments and castles.

The Touring Exhibitions Pavilion follows on from a pre-conference hosted by Teo as part of the Museum Connections Inspiration Conference programme, dedicated to the Re-Growth and Re-Imagination of Exhibitions.

The event will take place on 30 and 31 March 2022 in Paris, France, at the Paris Expo, Porte de Versailles, Hall 3.

To receive a visitor invitation to the event, members can register here.

To receive information on possible participation for producers, members can contact the Teo team here.

About the authors & contributors

Teo is the global resource for the international touring exhibitions community. Created for hosts, producers and suppliers of international touring exhibitions, Teo is a global living resource for sharing best practices and fostering new international collaborations in the world of travelling exhibits.

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