Teo Partners
Collaborations to foster the touring of international exhibitions
Discover Teo’s key industry partners.

Ecsite is the European network of science centres and museums. Active in the field of science engagement, it has 320+ members including science centres, museums, research bodies, festivals, universities, planetariums, foundations and learned societies, companies offering products and services to the field and local authorities.
Ecsite organises the largest professional science communication conference in Europe, represents science engagement at a European level, shapes and spreads best practice through its publications and awards, takes part in European projects – and more. Ecsite members’ convening power draws more than 40 million citizens each year to science-related debates, exhibitions, workshops, events or platforms.

ICEE is the International Committee for Exhibitions and Exchanges of ICOM, the International Council of Museums. The Committee’s mission is to provide a global forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences related to the circulation and exchange of exhibitions in all disciplines – building bridges within the community of exhibitions and museums.
The committee organises several events to show and stimulate the evolution of exhibitions and exchanges practices. Since 1983, annual conferences have been held in over 25 countries.

Museum Connections
Museum Connections brings together the museum sector’s professionals in Paris every year. International trade fair, focusing on the business and sustainable challenges of museums, cultural and touristic venues, Museum Connections highlights trends and innovations to imagine the new visitors’ experiences.
Museum Connections partners with Teo to support international touring with the International Touring Exhibitions Pavilion and dedicated talks and communications.