Exhibitions directory

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Come take a journey from anticipatory fear, worry, and disgust, to pride, joy, and the unbridled power of having overcome a challenge. Do you dare to try it all?
by Disgusting Food Museum
Museums and Galleries, Science Centres, Entertainment Venues
200 to 500 sqm, 500 to 1000 sqm
Triumph and Death of a Roman Conqueror
by Expona
Museums and Galleries
500 to 1000 sqm, 200 to 500 sqm
Great Masters of Wixárika Art – Negrín Archive
by AURA Interactive Agency
Museums and Galleries
500 to 1000 sqm
Art Immersive Experience of Italian Renaissance – The Genius of Michelangelo, Leonardo and Raffaello
by Medartec Distribution srls
Museums and Galleries, Science Centres, Entertainment Venues, Outdoor Spaces
500 to 1000 sqm, more than 1000 sqm, more than 2000 sqm
by Exhibits Development Group
Museums and Galleries, Science Centres
500 to 1000 sqm
by Contemporanea Progetti
Museums and Galleries
500 to 1000 sqm
by E/M Group
Museums and Galleries, Science Centres, Entertainment Venues
World Touring Exhibitions (www.worldtouringexhibitions.com)
by World Touring Exhibitions
Museums and Galleries, Science Centres, Entertainment Venues
500 to 1000 sqm
by PHI Studio
Museums and Galleries, Entertainment Venues
500 to 1000 sqm
20 handmade models coming from a collection of over 150.
by PANART Connections
Museums and Galleries, Science Centres
With his work, Lu Guang makes an equally disturbing and important contribution to documenting the negative aspects of geo-resource extraction. At the same time, his work is an important artistic testimony to the current Anthropocene debate.
by Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, Leibniz Research Museum for Geo-Resources
Museums and Galleries, Science Centres
500 to 1000 sqm
by Xi’an Qujiang Museum of Fine Arts
Museums and Galleries
200 to 500 sqm
Dive into the world of underwater archaeology, where cutting-edge technology and expert teams uncover the mysteries hidden beneath the waves.
by Flying Fish
Museums and Galleries, Science Centres, Entertainment Venues
200 to 500 sqm, 500 to 1000 sqm
by Neon
Museums and Galleries, Entertainment Venues, Science Centres
more than 1000 sqm, 500 to 1000 sqm
by Contemporanea Progetti
Museums and Galleries
500 to 1000 sqm
– Splendour and Death under the Volcano
by Expona
Museums and Galleries
200 to 500 sqm, 500 to 1000 sqm
by Neon
Science Centres, Museums and Galleries, Entertainment Venues
more than 1000 sqm, 500 to 1000 sqm
An opportunity to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community while contributing to an essential dialogue.
by Musée de la civilisation, Québec
Museums and Galleries
500 to 1000 sqm, 200 to 500 sqm
World Touring Exhibitions (www.worldtouringexhibitions.com)
by World Touring Exhibitions
Museums and Galleries, Science Centres, Entertainment Venues
200 to 500 sqm
by Nomad Exhibitions
Museums and Galleries
500 to 1000 sqm

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