Exhibitions directory

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by E/M Group
Museums and Galleries, Science Centres, Entertainment Venues
by Neon
Museums and Galleries, Entertainment Venues, Science Centres
500 to 1000 sqm, more than 1000 sqm
Do you seek thrill and excitement?
by Science North
Science Centres
500 to 1000 sqm
by Imagine
Science Centres, Museums and Galleries
more than 1000 sqm
For more than 2 billion people, the act of opening a tap and having drinking water is an impossible wish. But it is one that can come true.
by Pavilhão do Conhecimento – Centro Ciência Viva
Science Centres, Museums and Galleries, Entertainment Venues
500 to 1000 sqm
A Fantastical Hands-on Adventure
by Imagine
Science Centres, Entertainment Venues, Museums and Galleries
200 to 500 sqm
the outdoor music adventure for all ages: 4 giant orchestras, Corona-proof
by Mobiles Musik Museum
Science Centres, Outdoor Spaces
200 to 500 sqm
With his work, Lu Guang makes an equally disturbing and important contribution to documenting the negative aspects of geo-resource extraction. At the same time, his work is an important artistic testimony to the current Anthropocene debate.
by Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, Leibniz Research Museum for Geo-Resources
Museums and Galleries, Science Centres
500 to 1000 sqm
A breathtaking journey through time and space
by Excurio
Museums and Galleries, Entertainment Venues, Science Centres
500 to 1000 sqm
by Imagine
Science Centres
200 to 500 sqm
This interactive exhibition brings the Artemis Missions to life through creativity, innovation, and exciting design challenges.
by Flying Fish
Science Centres, Museums and Galleries, Entertainment Venues
200 to 500 sqm, 500 to 1000 sqm
World Touring Exhibitions (www.worldtouringexhibitions.com)
by World Touring Exhibitions
Museums and Galleries, Science Centres, Entertainment Venues
500 to 1000 sqm
Trailblazers. Binary-busters. Agitators and instigators. On and off screen.
Museums and Galleries, Science Centres
500 to 1000 sqm
This highly interactive traveling exhibition explores the science, history, and culture of ice hockey.
by Flying Fish
Museums and Galleries, Science Centres, Entertainment Venues
500 to 1000 sqm
by E/M Group
Museums and Galleries, Science Centres, Entertainment Venues
Discover the multiple facets of the cold
by Universcience – Cité des sciences et de l’industrie & Palais de la découverte
Science Centres
200 to 500 sqm
An exploration of the surprising life of materials and their future
by The Design Museum
Museums and Galleries
200 to 500 sqm
This exhibition brings important conversations to life, engaging children, families, and communities in a dynamic exploration of empathy, understanding, and the steps we can all take to create positive change.
by Flying Fish
Museums and Galleries, Science Centres, Entertainment Venues
200 to 500 sqm
The Immersive Experience
by Contemporanea Progetti
Museums and Galleries, Entertainment Venues
500 to 1000 sqm
This 2D traveling exhibition highlights the integral role scientific illustration has played in undersea discovery.
by American Museum of Natural History
Museums and Galleries, Science Centres, Entertainment Venues, Outdoor Spaces

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