Brick Masters Studio

An immersive and interactive experience that explores the intersection of creativity and science through captivating sculptures built with LEGO® bricks by acclaimed artist Sean Kenney. This unique showcase takes visitors on a journey as an apprentice to uncover the art process and scientific principles behind the creation of art with LEGO bricks. Visitors learn what […]

Dino Safari

Dino Safari: A Walk Thru Adventure takes visitors on a prehistoric global journey, introducing them to larger-than-life animatronic dinosaurs. By combining cutting-edge research with popular and accessble interpretive techniques, Dino Safari creates an engaging, multisensory experience for the whole family. Get up close and personal with giant moving dinosaurs from fan favorites like the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex to […]

Uniquely Us: Understanding Race and Building Unity

It’s never too early to begin conversations about who we are, how we experience the world, and how those experiences can differ from person to person. Uniquely Us is designed to engage children, families, and communities in these critical discussions. Through interactive, play-based learning, children can safely and empathetically explore new ideas, perspectives, and social roles while […]

Into the mind of AI

An immersive exhibition that brings the audience into the brain and imagination of AI. A fictional story that instigate the audience to think about AI under different perspectives. A spectacular journey into a possible future. The project premiered on January 26 2024 at The Leonardo museum in Salt Lake City, USA.

Cave journey, through the Chauvet discovery

An exhibition at the core of scientific investigation, Universcience decided to follow in the steps of the researchers exploring and studying this fascinating cave. Step into the shoes of scientists and watch the cave paintings come to life as you discover remnants of bears and wolves, traces of fi res, stalactites, and ancient footprints on […]

Big Picture

Celebrate our remarkable Earth with California Academy of Sciences’s BigPicture: Natural World Photography. This annual photography competition brings together astounding images from around the world, provoking questions, creating connections, and inspiring action to regenerate the natural world. Now in its 11th year, BigPicture presents a juried selection of photographs that capture our surprising and beautiful […]

Pop Up Dreamland

Pop Up DreamlandBoom! Boom! Pop! Pop Up Dreamland is the latest must-see travelling exhibition about pop up art. This family-friendly, fully immersive experience offers a blend of art, play, and creativity captivating visitors of all ages. Hosting this exhibition means bringing a unique cultural sensation able to engage and delight diverse audiences, making it an […]


Ready for the dance floor? There are countless occasions when we dance spontaneously and naturally. One of them is when we listen to music. Dancing is an immediate, instinctive action that allows us to free ourselves, become aware of our bodies, express our emotions and forge bonds with other people. The Dance exhibition offers a […]

AI: More than Human

AI: More than Human tells the rapidly developing story of AI, from its extraordinary ancient roots in Japanese Shintoism and Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage’s early experiments in computing to AI’s major developmental leaps from the 1940s to the present day to show how an age-old dream of creating intelligence has already become today’s reality.   […]


In recent years, 3D printing has revolutionized our lives, becoming increasingly important in health care, engineering, architecture, and art. The world of 3D printing has transformed the way all sorts of objects are designed, prototyped, and produced.   One of the key features of 3D printing is the ability to customize what is manufactured: the […]

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