09.30 CET (Malta) / 00.30 PDT / 17.30 AEST
We are delighted to present six international voices from the museum world, each of whom shall be sharing views and perspectives about museum futures in six pre-conference webinar events.
Each speaker shall present a personal reaction to future challenges and ambitions during a dedicated webinar. Towards the end, Mike Murawski, change leader and committed advocate for more equitable and community-centred museums shall present his reflections on the presentation and discussion. The webinars shall be moderated by Prof. Carmel Borg and Dr Sandro Debono from the Department of Arts, Open Communities and Adult Education, at the University of Malta.
The speaker for this webinar is Kristin Alford. Dr Kristin Alford is the Director of Australia’s leading, future-focused museum MOD. Her eclectic background includes engineering, human resources, marketing and science communications.
Teo is a proud partner and supporter of MUŻE.X - Shaping Museum Futures.
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