
Tempora is a Belgian agency specializing in the design, development, promotion and management of cultural exhibitions and facilities. Founded in 1998, it is one of the leading actors on the European market.
Tempora relies on a multidisciplinary team of around forty people to provide the whole range of skills needed for the creation and management of the projects entrusted to the agency: project leaders, managers, architects, graphic artists, designers, scenographers, documentalists, multimedia experts, etc.

Tempora has two prominent features:
– its unique capacity as a lead contractor, which enables it to operate at particular stages or on entire projects up to turnkey service solutions: creation, development and production of exhibitions, promotion, reception and management of visitors.
– its international experience in Europe, Asia and North America, thanks to the management of large scale projects, the design and development of international exhibitions and museums, as well as the circulation in foreign countries of exhibitions originally created and presented in Belgium.

Tempora’s philosophy:
To create a unique experience for a large audience, based on:
– respecting the places and their history
– enhancing collections
– seeking a balance between recreational activities, the aesthetic dimension and scientific knowledge
– securing access to the widest possible audiences



Other exhibition references

Expo Dieu(x), modes d’emploi/ God(en), een handleiding (2006-2020)
Expo C’est notre histoire!/ Dit is onze Geschiedenis! (2007 - 2008)
Expo C'est notre terre!/ Dit is onze Aarde! (2009 - 2011)
Bastogne War Museum (2012-...)
Expo 14-18, c’est notre histoire ! 14-18, dit is onze geschiedenis! (2013 - 2015)
Expo Islam, c’est aussi notre Histoire ! Islam, dit is ook onze geschiedenis! (2013 - 2018)
La Ferme d'Hougoumont (Waterloo) (2015)
Expo The World of Steve McCurry (2017 - 2019)
Expo Hyperrealism Sculpture. Ceci n’est pas un corps (2019 - 2020)
Expo Bruegel, a Poetic Experience (2019 - 2020)


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    • Rue des Anciens Etangs, 44, Forest, Belgium
    • , 50.817902
    • , 4.318500



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