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Since emerging forty years ago, hip-hop has never ceased to shake up music, culture and society.

Hip-hop stars are the most popular artists. Their words become our everyday expressions. Their melodies get in everyone’s heads.

Born in the streets and raised in urban basements and studios, voluble, inventive, insatiable hip-hop is now ubiquitous : in fashion and sports, in literature and film, in school yards and university lecture halls, on television and social media.

After Jazz, Electronic and Arab music, Musée de la musique is now devoting an exhibition to Hip-Hop: its musical genre, but also its impact on all the disciplines it has nurtured, from fashion to cinema, from literature to graphic arts.

Visual, audiovisual and participatory, this exhibition seeks to transcribe the energy from a movement that is constantly on the lookout for new forms of musical creation and distribution.

Exhibition partners

Curator: François Gautret
Science consultant: Pierre Evil
Exhibition design: Agence Clémence Farrell
Music Advisor: Yerim Sar

Area size


2024 / 2025 / 2026 / 2027

Hiring fee

Package format: Collection and interpretation

Core experience

Immersive digital experience / Original collection / Hands-on activities / Reproductions


Photographs / Textiles & Costumes / Paintings Drawings & Prints / Decorative objects / Film & Sound / Technical objects / Digital art


English / French

Technical requirements

Available package options


Exhibition tour kit / Catalogue / book / Documentary film


Curatorial excellence / Star object / Treasure collection / Immersive experience / Interactivity

The itinerary is conceived as a series of immersive installations conjugating the multiple expressions of hip-hop (beatbox, graffiti, rap, DJ, dance) and is based on founding figures and places in the movement. Rare collections, but also works and sounds created especially for the exhibition will be presented.

Each section is represented by a group or artist emblematic of the movement embodying one dimension of hip-hop: Dee Nasty, NTM, IAM, Sly Johson, Oxmo Puccino, Leila Sy, Kery James...

photographers who simultaneously have been participants, witnesses and runners of the hip-hop will present their works: Martine Barrat, Sophie Bramly, Mister Fifou, Jean-Pierre Maero, Yoshi Omori, Little Shao.. In counterpoint to the installations, they open up thematic angles.

Additional information

More information on application: artworks list, scenographic plan.

Produced by

Original collections, Paintings
Museums and Galleries, Entertainment Venues

Exhibition contact info

Quentin Ougier, Project Coordinator for Touring Exhibitions


Related exhibitions


Past and upcoming venues

Musée de la musique – Philharmonie de Paris : 15 december 2021 – 22 July 2022

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