Produced by


Photos by Sven Zacek



What makes everyone and everything pull together? We feel it in our muscles when lifting something, but we don’t really notice it in our daily lives. Why does an apple thrown into the air sooner or later fall down, towards the centre of the Earth? Or why does a space rocket need so much power and force to break itself free from Earth?


Our new hands-on exhibition “Aha, gravity!” is an adrenaline-rushing adventure that tests even the bravest.


How much does a litre of milk weigh on Mars or Venus? Which is stronger, gravity or centrifugal force? How does it feel to fall from a height of 5 metres?


Exhibition has 10 exhibits to play with. Each exhibit reveals unprecedented secrets of gravity. Come and check out:

Area size

200 to 500 sqm, 500 to 1000 sqm


2024 / 2025 / 2026 / 2027

Hiring fee

Package format: Turnkey

Core experience

Immersive digital experience / Hands-on activities


English / Other

Technical requirements

High ceiling height

Some of the exhibits require guide. Some of the exhibits need high ceiling. The room should be darkened. Exhibition is adjustable for different venues from 300 sqm-700 sqm.

Available package options

Turnkey / Sale option


Easy translation / Selfie spots


Star object / Immersive experience / Interactivity

The 5 m high freefall slide is one of the visitor magnets, with the moonwalking simulator probably a close second. If those aren’t enough, there will also be a driving simulator for other planets for example. One of the biggest challenges for the visitors is an exhibit called the centrifuge. You can try to overcome gravity in this one.

Additional information

Exceptional experience guaranteed!

Produced by

Primarily for kids
Museums and Galleries, Science Centres, Entertainment Venues

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2021 Estonia

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Aha, Gravity!

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