
Charley Harper, Illustrating wildlife

An exhibition blending art and science to explore the unique style of American artist Charley Harper.

Produced by


© Charley Harper Art Studio



Created by the Natural History Museum of Toulouse in close collaboration with the Charley Harper Art Studio, represented by his son, Brett Harper, this exhibition invites visitors to explore the vibrant, colorful world of Charley Harper, the celebrated American artist known for his distinctive minimalist take on wildlife art. Harper’s “minimal realism” simplifies complex natural scenes into bold, striking forms, making his work both visually captivating and accessible. Featuring large panels and engaging video content, this unique exhibition showcases a selection of Harper’s iconic illustrations from books, posters, and prints. Visitors will also dive into the fascinating life of the artist, his commitment to ecology and biodiversity, and his masterful ability to capture the beauty and balance of nature with elegance and whimsy.


This new exhibition invites visitors in the creative world of Charley Harper, a vibrant American artist. In the 1970s and 80s, Harper was commissioned to create illustrations for various books, capturing life and landscapes. One of his most significant projects involved designing artwork for America’s national parks. As he traveled across the country, Harper skillfully merged entire regions’ landscapes and species into single, harmonious images. The result is a striking series of posters that beautifully depict the diversity of plants and animals in their natural environments.

Through several introductory texts, visitors will discover the fascinating life of Charley Harper, his unique style, and his commitment to ecology and biodiversity. The artist’s works are accompanied by detailed labels, some written by the artist himself. We encounter a man full of humor who has a kind outlook on the life around him. This exhibition offers a unique opportunity to engage with his art and explore his creative vision.


– 1 Introductory panel
– 1 panel on Charley Harper’s unique vision of nature.
– 1 short introductory video about Charley Harper’s work
– 1 biographical panel about the artist
– 1 panel focusing on American national parks
– 52 original illustrations by Charley Harper in HD file format + Detailed labels
– 12 cut-out elements (birds, ladybugs, etc.) for sticker printing


The Charley Harper Art Studio owns all the rights to the illustrations featured in the exhibition. This Exhibition is available in two languages (English and French). Other languages availaible on request.



Une exposition entre Art et Sciences !

Donnez à Charley Harper quelques lignes et formes simples, et il vous montrera toutes les créatures de la Terre.

Coccinelles, flamants roses, écureuils… prennent vie sous les traits aiguisés et graphiques de l’artiste américain. Créateur d’un style unique, le réalisme minimaliste, Charley Harper révèle les aspects uniques de ses sujets par une réduction géométrique très stylisée. Quelques formes et aplats de couleurs deviennent des animaux ou des végétaux.

« Je considère le tableau comme un écosystème dans lequel tous les éléments sont liés, interdépendants et parfaitement équilibrés ». – Charley Harper

Grand défenseur de l’environnement et admirateur de la nature, l’artiste célèbre la biodiversité dans toute sa grandeur, à travers une observation passionnée de tout ce qui l’entoure. Véritables tableaux vivants, ses œuvres renferment une nature fascinante et foisonnante, et invitent à admirer le vivant sous toutes ses formes.

Une exposition bilingue (Français / Anglais) produite en partenariat avec le Charley Harper Art Studio !


Thématiques de l’exposition

Biographie de Charley Harper

Les œuvres et le style de Charley Harper

Un artiste engagé pour la biodiversité


Faire découvrir l’univers de Charley Harper

Apprécier la nature sous sa représentation la plus simple

Comprendre qu’Arts, Sciences et engagements écologiques peuvent être complémentaires

Exhibition partners

Charley Harper Art Studio

Area size

200 to 500 sqm


2025 / 2026 / 2027 / 2028

Hiring fee

Less then 15 000 €
Package format: Content only

Core experience

Panels and graphics / Reproductions


Paintings Drawings & Prints / Film & Sound


English / French

Technical requirements

Adapted for outdoor displays

Available package options

Content only


Media kit / Catalogue / book



An exhibition offering access to more than fifty works by artist Charley Harper.

Additional information

2D panel exhibition

Produced by

Paintings, Art and Science
Museums and Galleries, Outdoor Spaces, Entertainment Venues, Science Centres

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Charley Harper, Illustrating wildlife

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