Capture d’écran 2023-12-18 à 16.08.40

D-Day: Freedom from Above

A unique journey alongside the US paratroopers

Produced by


© Histovery



In June 1944 the Americans troops came by air and by sea to free Europe from the nazis. These interventions revealed heroic acts and figures that gave their life to liberate populations. Experience the incredible D-Day landing through the eyes of paratroopers who liberated Sainte-Mère-Eglise with D-Day: Freedom from Above the Augmented Exhibition.


Using an interactive tablet, the HistoPad, visitors explore interactive 3D recreations of 14 key moments and places of the Sainte-Mère-Eglise battle including the 82nd and 101st Airborne briefing on June 4th, the parachute jump into the village, the battle at Pont de la Fière, and even a military field hospital at La Colombière. The interactive components allow visitors to manipulate gear, tools and weapons, meet key figures, and watch real archival footage.


For all public, kids and adults thanks to interactive content, a treasure hunt and many entertaining features. Available in 10 languages.


All-inclusive offer. The price of the exhibition includes :

  • Design and construction of the physical scenography to match your space
  • Transport (in / out)
  • Installation / Dismantling by our team and technicians
  • e-marketing and advertising content,
  • HistoPad’s distribution team training
  • Access to a powerful data collection system with feedback and ratings from the visitors
  • 24/7 assistant and hotline

Exhibition partners

The exhibition was created based on the HistoPad content from the Sainte-Mère-Église Museum.
This content was developed in partnership with leading historians, the exhibition combines the best in physical display and augmented reality technology to create a fully immersive and engaging historical experience for people of all ages.

Area size

200 to 500 sqm, 500 to 1000 sqm


2024 / 2025 / 2026 / 2027

Hiring fee

Package format: Turnkey

Core experience

Immersive digital experience / Hands-on activities / Panels and graphics / Reproductions


Photographs / Paintings Drawings & Prints / Decorative objects / Film & Sound


English / Spanish / French / German / Dutch / Italian / Other

Technical requirements

High ceiling height

The exhibition comes with full scenography and IT equipment.

Requires employees to distribute the tablets to the visitors and collect them at the end of the visit.

Available package options



Augmented Reality / Education kit / Media kit / Easy translation / Speakers / Selfie spots


Curatorial excellence / Star object / Immersive experience / Interactivity / Other

Unique 3D reconstitutions of the battle field and artefacts from the war
Presentation of heroes biography and 3D animated content
Beautiful scenography and quality design
Data collection system included

Produced by

Museums and Galleries, Science Centres, Entertainment Venues

Exhibition contact info


Related exhibitions


Past and upcoming venues

Airborne Museum – Sainte-Mère-Église – Permanent
National Museum of the US Air Force – Dayton (Ohio)
US Army Airborne & Special Operations Museum – Fayetteville (North Carolina)
National Museum of the US Army – Fort Belvoir (Virginia) – Currently

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D-Day: Freedom from Above

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