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Darwin & Dinosaurs (D&D) is a fun, fascinating and educational exhibit designed to encourage visitors to explore, discover and learn about evolution.

The exhibit features dinosaurs, touchscreen interactives, rare books, scientific instruments and a giant touchscreen wall where kids can play Hungry Birds, a video game that demonstrates natural selection and which is recommended by the NSTA.


D&D features seven large touchscreens that allow visitors to explore different topics from the origin of birds to Mary Anning’s life, from the basics of evolution to the wildlife of the Galapagos Islands.


The exhibit can flex from 5,000 to 10,000 square feet (minimum ceiling height of 12 ft) and includes the following major components:


  • Eighteen (18) complete skeletons
  • Seven large touchscreens (42″ to 70″)
  • Touchscreen wall video game (12′ x 7′)
  • Eighteen display cases with over eighty (80) artifacts
  • First edition of Darwin’s Origin of the Species (1859)


Hundreds of visitors have completed comment cards on the exhibit and the overall average score is 4.4 out of 5, or 88%. Visitors love it.


Exhibition partners

Mike Triebold, President, Triebold Paleontology
Angus Carroll, Co-curator

Area size

500 to 1000 sqm



Hiring fee

Package format: Turnkey

Core experience

Immersive digital experience / Original collection / Hands-on activities / Panels and graphics


Manuscripts Books & Maps / Specimens



Technical requirements

High ceiling height

Available package options



Virtual Reality / Education kit / Catalogue / book / Speakers


Immersive experience / Interactivity

Highly engaging and educational exhibit on Darwin, dinosaurs and natural selection. Features numerous dinosaur skeletons, large touchscreen interactives, original books, letters and other artifacts in 18 display cases. Comes with lesson plans, VR model, companion guide, tour scripts and other supporting materials.

Produced by

Museums and Galleries, Science Centres

Exhibition contact info

Susan Carroll,, in the US 888-600-5054


Related exhibitions


Past and upcoming venues

Jacksonville, FL, USA, 2016
Prairiefire Museum, Kansas, USA, 2017
Museum of Idaho, Idaho Falls, ID, USA, 2019/2020

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