
Endangered Aquatic Species Exhibit

An international travelling art exhibition focused on wild animal conservation Created by artist Russ Ronat

Produced by


Russell Ronat/ Project Holocene



Project Holocene endangered species Aquatic Exhibit is currently available. The project features large illuminated paintings that capture the fragility and beauty of many species of animals. A wide variety of endangered fish, aquatic mammals and sea birds are represented in the project. It is the goal of the project to use art as a tool to bring understanding to conservation issues. The paintings are presented with the scientific information on each species, combining art with the science creates a captivating display. Art has a unique role in building empathy and encouraging an understanding of the necessity of conservation.The exhibition aims to inspire compassion for the protection and flourishing of aquatic species, biodiversity and ocean conservation.

Area size

200 to 500 sqm, 500 to 1000 sqm


2024 / 2025 / 2026 / 2027 / 2028

Hiring fee

Package format: Turnkey

Core experience

Original collection


Paintings Drawings & Prints / Sculptures / Film & Sound / Digital art



Technical requirements

Adapted for outdoor displays

Available package options



Easy translation / Merchandise


Curatorial excellence / Interactivity / Other

The experience:
• Art and Science
• Sustainability and endangered species
• Mixed media and large projections
• Interactive experience to foster creativity
An exhibit focused on conservation:
The wild animal trade
Deforestation/Habitat Loss
The steps we can all take to ensure survival of fragile species

Produced by

Original collections, Paintings, Sustainability-related exhibit
Museums and Galleries, Science Centres, Entertainment Venues, Outdoor Spaces

Exhibition contact info


    Related exhibitions


    Past and upcoming venues

    The Aquatic Species display is currently yon display at the Georgia Aquarium. This exhibit includes 14 large, illuminated paintings on permanent display. The Clearwater Marine Aquarium is currently also hosting the exhibition until Oct 2024.

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