

Experience the intricate shapes, colors, and structures of insects in striking high-resolution detail

Produced by


© Levon Biss


Microsculpture presents a new perspective on insects, enabling audiences to study and appreciate the hidden details of the insect world in a unique and engaging way.


Created by award-winning photographer Levon Biss, Microsculpture showcases the insect collection of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History and is available to license from the American Museum of Natural History.


American Museum of Natural History

Exhibition partners

Photographer: Levon Biss
Insect collection of the Oxford Museum of Natural History (UK)

Area size


2024 / 2025 / 2026 / 2027

Hiring fee

Package format: Content only

Core experience

Panels and graphics




English / Spanish

Technical requirements

Adapted for outdoor displays

Flexible size (350-420 linear feet and can be adjusted)
Digital delivery
Package includes 81 high resolution images and captions and 3 informational panels.

Available package options

Content only


Education kit / Media kit / Easy translation / Engagement programme support


Curatorial excellence

Using his photo stacking techniques and bespoke camera system, Levon is able to capture unprecedented levels of detail from specimens far too small to view with the naked eye, providing us with an insight into an unseen world. The resulting body of work is guaranteed to entertain and educate audiences of all ages.

Produced by

Sustainability-related exhibit
Outdoor Spaces, Entertainment Venues, Science Centres, Museums and Galleries



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    Past and upcoming venues

    The Academy of Natural Sciences at Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.

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