Produced by


CosmoCaixa Science Museum - “la Caixa” Foundation



Step through the looking glass to discover what mirrors hide, and most importantly, what they reveal.


Touring in partnership with the “La Caixa” Foundation, Mirrors: In and Out of Reality is a mesmerizing maze of mirror games, kaleidoscopes, and other interactive elements that finds inspiration in the characters of Lewis Carroll. This exhibition invites visitors of all ages to deepen their understanding of our perception of reality from a scientific standpoint and to learn how mirrors have been used in real-world research.

Mirrors is an imaginative way of conveying the idea that reality can be observed from different viewpoints. With this approach of confronted realities, the exhibition encourages visitors to rethink the world and uncover some of the secrets that surround them.

Exhibition partners

An exhibition created by Fundació “la Caixa” and toured by the American Museum of Natural History, New York (

Exhibition organized in collaboration with the Museu de Matemàtiques de Catalunya and the Institute of Photonic Sciences.

Area size

200 to 500 sqm


2024 / 2026 / 2027 / 2028

Hiring fee

Package format: Turnkey

Core experience

Immersive digital experience / Hands-on activities / Panels and graphics


English / Spanish / French / Other

Technical requirements

Available package options




Immersive experience / Interactivity

Through mirrors and experimentation with phenomena such as reflection, this exhibition highlights the importance of mathematics as an indispensable tool that allows us to study, systematize and understand the world around us.

Visitors will first learn about the properties of different types of mirrors and experience their surprising effects. Next, the exhibition presents some important scientific and technological applications that are possible thanks to mirrors and their interaction with light – such as the James Webb space telescope, which launched in 2021.

Produced by

Museums and Galleries, Science Centres



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    Caixa Forum Tarragona (ended February 2023)

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