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On the centenary of the birth of the composer Iannis Xenakis, the Philharmonie de Paris celebrates one of the most fertile artists of the second half of the 20th century. A fan of Greek antiquity, “born fifteen centuries too late” as he said, Xenakis was nevertheless a creator at the cutting edge of the most radical modernity.

He was a composer, architect, engineer, computer scientist and mathematician, and was a pioneer in many fields, such as electro-acoustic music, computer music and the immersive electronic concert.

The exhibition places Xenakis’s music – at once a reference to Antiquity, an ode to nature and the elements, and a tribute to modernism at its most extreme – at its centre and the listener at the heart of the musical action; numerous graphic, audio and multimedia devices allow us to apprehend the composer’s abundant catalogue. By retracing Xenakis’s journey and the influences that nourished his work, the exhibition also looks at Xenakis’s position within the various political and aesthetic landscapes of his time and his perception by his contemporaries.

Exhibition partners

Musée de la musique - Philharmonie de Paris
Curators : Mâkhi Xenakis, Thierry Maniguet

Area size

200 to 500 sqm


2024 / 2025

Hiring fee

50 000 € - 100 000 €
Package format: Content only

Core experience

Immersive digital experience / Original collection / Panels and graphics / Reproductions


Photographs / Paintings Drawings & Prints / Decorative objects / Film & Sound / Coins & Medals / Digital art


English / French

Technical requirements

Available package options

Collection and interpretation / Content only / Sale option


Exhibition tour kit / Catalogue / book


Curatorial excellence / Star object / Immersive experience

Produced by

Original collections
Museums and Galleries, Science Centres

Exhibition contact info

Related exhibitions


Past and upcoming venues

MusĂ©e de la musique – Philharmonie de Paris : from February 10 to June 26, 2022
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbonne : from November 10, 2022 to March 6, 2023

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