Touring exhibitions and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
By Henry McGhie
Henry McGhie outlines how exhibition-making and touring relate to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals set by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
How to successfully plan installations for international touring exhibitions
By Rob Gammage
Rob Gammage, founder of Exhibition Site Management Ltd, gives technical installation tips to consider when planning for exhibition touring and hosting, sharing ideas about materials,…
Putting wonderment and sustainability into new Bees touring exhibition
By Andrew Bullock
Andrew Bullock, Head of Touring Exhibitions at National Museums Liverpool shares his experience of developing Bees: A story of survival, a new travelling exhibition with…
Remote couriering for the ‘Egypt. Land of Discoveries’ touring exhibition
By Hanneke Kik
The National Museum of Antiquities of the Netherlands has succeeded in taking a major travelling exhibition featuring treasures from its large Egyptian collections for an…
Treasure artefacts, museum couriers and art technicians around the world
By Jessica Elsaesser
An insight into the challenges of making artefacts, museum couriers and art technicians travel internationally, for the tour of Vikings: Warriors of the North, Giants…
Cultural Dialogue Survey 2021: The Future of Touring Exhibitions
By Anaïs Aguerre
The Future of Touring Exhibitions 2021 Survey Report shares the results of Culture Connect Ltd’s first Cultural Dialogue Survey, developed in collaboration with Teo, providing…
In this fourth article, we explore how travelling exhibitions can be strong resources to leverage for engagement with teams within cultural organisations and for the…
In this third article, we explore how travelling exhibitions can bring safe escape opportunities to visitors and contribute to cultural institutions’ engagement for the wellbeing…
How ACMI has kept touring programmes ‘on the road’ as the world grinds to a halt?
By Anat Meiri & Carrie Mulford
Anat Meiri, Head of Touring, and Carrie Mulford, Exhibition Coordinator at ACMI, Australia’s national museum of screen culture, share the experience of the ACMI touring…